Norad and MFA
Thematic area(s)
· Climate Resilient WASH (CRWASH)
· Peace Building
· Gender Based Violence (GBV)
· Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE)
· Education
· Education – Gedo (Bardera, Belethawa, Dollow, Elwak, Luuq and Garbaharey).
· Climate Smart Economic Empowerment – Gedo (Belethawa, Luuq) and Puntland (Garowe, Eyl and Dangoroyo)
· GBV – Puntland (Eyl & Garowe), Gedo (Beletahwa, Garbaharey & Luuq)
· Peace Building– Banadir, Gedo, Puntland
· Climate Resilient WASH – Norad;Daynile-Banadir and Dollow, Gedo. MFA: Luuq,
Time Frame
10th December 2020-1st March 2021
Tentative Start date
10th December 2020
1. Background
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is a diaconal organization established in Norway to work with people around the world to eradicate poverty and injustice. Our vision is Together for a Just World. NCA began its work in Somalia in 1993, following the humanitarian crisis caused by the collapse of the central government in 1991. NCA became active in Puntland following the 2004 tsunami, 2007 in Banadir and 2013 in Lower Shabelle and has maintained this presence and programmes implementation since then. NCA’s Somalia 2020-2024 strategy will contribute to support people in need during emergencies and recovery, advocate for their rights and to build their resilience through the following programmes: Climate Resilience WASH (CRWASH), Gender-based Violence (GBV), Peacebuilding, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE) and Education for Peace and Sustainable Development. In addition, NCA also responds to emergency humanitarian needs and supports strengthening of civil society and advocacy efforts. NCA Somalia programmes are in line with Somalia National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals. The overall country programme and each constituent thematic programme has a theory of change which outlines the goal and changes (pre-conditions) required to achieve that goal. Implementation of the programme activities is conducted directly by NCA and with local partners in all the targeted locations.
NCA received a 5-year (2020-2024) Multi -Programme funding from Norad on the following Thematic Sectors: Climate Resilience WASH, Gender-based Violence, Peacebuilding and Climate Smart Economic Empowerment. NCA also received some additional funding to support the Education Programme. In addition, MFA funded NCA to implement a 4-year (2020-2023) WASH in Emergency and GBV in Emergency. To this end, NCA wishes to conduct a baseline study on the Norad Civil Society Multi-Programme and MFA funded programmes to provide benchmarks which will quantitatively and qualitatively provide the baseline values for each thematic programme as per the Results Frame.
2. Purpose and Scope of the baseline
Purpose of the Baseline.
The main objective of the baseline study is to collect baseline values of which progress can be monitored against the specific project outcome indicators. The consultant will also establish the pre-intervention status of each of the sectors to guide NCA in planning, implementation and strategic decision making.
Specifically, this study will aim to:
· Estimate baseline values for each Programme outcome indicators in intervention areas.
· Provide recommendations on specific areas of focus that the programme should consider based on the findings.
· Assess the capacity of NCA partners and field staff to implement NCA programmes.
Scope of the Baseline.
The baseline will involve a desk review of programme documents, household survey, FGDs and KIIs. The study will involve interviews and interaction with a range of stakeholders including beneficiaries/right holders and duty bearers in project locations, NCA/ partners, local administration and government representatives, religious and community leaders as well as health professionals, teachers, students as well as women, girls, men and youth. Geographically, the baseline will cover the following locations:
Geographical Scope per programme
· Education – Gedo (Bardera, Belethawa, Dollow, Elwak, Luuq and Garbaharey)
· Climate Smart Economic Empowerment – Gedo (Belethawa, Luuq) and Puntland (Garowe, Eyl and Dangoroyo)
· GBV – Puntland (Eyl & Garowe), Gedo (Belethawa, Garbaharey & Luuq)
· Peace Building- Banadir, Gedo, Puntland
· Climate Resilient WASH – Daynile-Banadir, Gedo (Dollow and Luuq).-
The full list of the project areas per location is attached as an annex.
Programme Scope
The consultant is expected to collect specific baseline data (gender segregated) in the different thematic programmes as outlined in the Results Frame.
Specifically, in
· To determine rights holders’ (IDPs and host communities) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) with regards to minimum basic sanitation, open defecation, latrine use, safe drinking water, water treatment, water borne diseases, hand washing, and hygiene related diseases.
· Collect data on households expressing satisfaction with the way duty bearer address community WASH needs.
Some of the indicators in both Norad and MFA funded programmes are corresponding.
The CRWASH component will be implemented by NCA’s partners: Baniadam, NAPAD, CERID, KAALO, NCA Puntland and Gedo.
· Provide data on the target population who support zero tolerance to violence.
· To assess the coverage of women and girls who feel safe from violence and harmful practices.
· To assess the coverage of women and girls who report a positive change in their social standing.
The GBV component will be implemented by NCA’s partners: KAALO, SEDHURO, NCA Puntland and Gedo.
Peace Building:
· Investigate the extent to which different individuals and social groups experience and enjoy social cohesion.
· Investigate the extent to which peace structures prevent and transform conflict.
· Establish the extent to which peace processes are inclusive.
NCA is in the process of selecting a partner to implement the Peace Building component.
· Determine the level of income of small-scale producers.
· Establish the existence of technical and vocational skills opportunities in NCA target locations.
· Establish the employment opportunities for vocational skills training with a focus on gender inclusivity.
· Establish the proportion of youth and women who have gained relevant technical vocational and education skills during the 2016-2019 strategic period.
The CSEE component will be implemented by NCA’s partner CERID and NCA Puntland.
· Collect data on enrollment, retention and completion of students in primary and secondary schools.
· Assess the perception of students on safety while in school.
· Assess teachers with a formal certified training in teaching.
· Assess students’ learning capabilities on numeracy, literacy and life skills.
· Assess the functionality of Community Education Committees (CECs) on school management in NCA and partners supported schools.
· Assess the existing capacities among communities, Ministry of Education and NCA and its implementing partners to the provision of education services in the supported schools. (infrastructure, human resource, support from government, policies and guidelines and community level efforts, etc.)
The Education component will be implemented by NCA’s partners’: CERID, SADO, NAPAD and NCA Gedo.
Programme Outcome Indicators
1.1 # of households expressing satisfaction with the way duty bearers address community WASH needs.
1.2% of households expressing satisfaction with the way duty bearers address community WASH needs .
2.1 % of people who washed their hands with soap in at least 3 out of 5 critical occasions in the past 24 hours.
2.2.1 % of HH that have access to water and soap for handwashing
3.2 % of women, men, girls and boys satisfied with sanitation services
4.2 % of people that have adopted safe water practices at household level
4.2.1 % of women, men, boys, girls who have adopted safe water practices at household level
4.2.2 % of water facilities where water testing and treatment is done at source
4.3.1 % of HH who fetch water in less than 30 minutes (includes journey to/from water source and queue time)
4.4.1 % of water supply systems that are running effectively without any external support
1.1 % of target population who support zero tolerance to violence including harmful practices
1.2 % of women and girls who feel safe from violence and harmful practices.
2.1 % of women and girls in target locations who report a positive change in their social standing
1.1 Level (%) of constructive social interaction across groups
1.2 % of men acknowledging women’s role in peacebuilding
1.3 % of community members who reject violence under any circumstances
2.1 % of people with a positive view on the peace structure
3.1 % of marginalized groups participating in peace processes
1.1 # of women and men with significantly increased income
1.2.2 % of community and government institutions providing services and extensions to small holder producers.
3.1 # of young women and men that are employed 12 months after the intervention
3.2 # of young women and men that are self-employed 12 months after the intervention
3.3 % increase in earnings among young men and women entrepreneurs after training and start up grants/VSLA from NCA
1.1. % of students in supported learning institutions who complete primary and secondary education n(disaggregated by gender & grade)
1.2. % of students enrolled in supported learning institutions that remain in the learning institutions the following year (disaggregated by gender & grade)
1.3. % of students in supported learning institution that report feeling safe while in school
2.1 % of supported teachers with a formal and certified training in teaching
2.2 % of students in supported learning institutions demonstrating learning capabilities through literacy and numeracy skills.
3.1 % functional CECs in supported schools
3.2 Strategies and policies developed and implemented on education
WASH IN Emergency
3.1.1: % of targeted women, girls, men and boys who report that they wash hands with soap at least at 3 critical times
3.1.2: % of targeted affected households where soap and water are available for handwashing
3.1.3: % of women, girls, men and boys who report satisfaction with hygiene materials
3.4.1: % of targeted women and girls of reproductive age with access to appropriate materials and information ensuring dignified menstrual hygiene management
3.4.2: % of women and girls of reproductive age who are satisfied & feel safe when using the WASH facilities during menstruation
1. Methodology
The consultant is expected to present a detailed methodology covering the entire baseline scope in the technical proposal submission which will be further refined in consultation with NCA during the inception phase. Each project has a detailed Results Frame.
The consultant is expected to demonstrate the use of mixed method approach in arriving at plausible findings. The study will be participatory through engagement with key stakeholders including project’s direct and indirect beneficiaries, women, girls, men, boys and youth, government officials at various levels as relevant, health professionals, and religious leaders among others. The baseline should ensure that the respondents are representative of diversity across the target locations in Somalia. (Gender, age, profession, urban, rural, IDP settlements, etc.).
As the unexpected Covid 19 pandemic will have an implication on this study, the consultant should propose an adapted methodology-mitigation actions as part of the inception report.
2. Deliverables – i.e. the report and potential oral presentation of findings/conclusions.
· Inception report including literature review and detailed description of methodology per each thematic area and indicator by indicator as outlined in the Results Frame.
· Data collection tools.
· Draft baseline report.
· Validation workshop including PowerPoint presentation on the main findings and key recommendations.
· All collected data including HH survey data sets interviews and FGDs summaries or transcripts. All collected data including reports and transcripts.
· Baseline values as per the indicators in the results frame
· Final baseline report, which should include the analyses of the findings, lessons, learnt as well as recommendations.
The draft and final baseline study reports need, as a minimum, to contain the following components:
- Executive summary
- Baseline background
- Methodology
- Indicator by indicator with baseline values disaggregated by gender.
- Findings
- Lessons learned from data collection – to inform endline study process
- Recommendations and conclusion.
- Link to raw data (excel/kobo)
Annex 1 – Indicator by indicator – description of approach (method(s), sampling framework etc.)
Annex 2 – Data collection tools used
Annex 3 – Full ToR
1. Timeframe – schedule
The deliverables outlined under section 4 shall be completed within Max. 40 days of work.
2. Qualifications and skills
· University degree in any field, preferably Social Sciences. Post graduate education is an added advantage.
· In-depth knowledge and experience on research methods (household survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussions).
· Experience in conducting multi-sectoral baseline studies, impact evaluations using experimental designs.
· Knowledge and experience of NCA thematic programme areas e.g WASH, GBV, PeaceBuilding, CSEE and Education.
· Practical and theoretical understanding of humanitarian and development work in Somalia.
· Knowledge of and familiarity with Somali context.
· Fluent in both oral and written English.
· Knowledge and experience in working with civil society actors.
· Sensitivity to and knowledge of gender issues.
· Excellent Analytical, Communication and Report writing skills.
How to apply
1. Submission and evaluation of proposals
Please submit your applications by email to with the subject line NCA NCA Somalia Multi-sector Baseline Consultancy. Deadline for submissions:5th November 2020. The application must include the following:
· Proposal submission form.
· A brief technical proposal (5-10 pages), including an outline of the methodological approach and activities proposed considered to be necessary to achieve the contract objectives and a tentative timeline with key milestones.
· A detailed budget as part of the proposal.
· CV (if more than one, please submit CVs for all team members and detail the different roles and responsibilities. Include a list of at least two names of referees you have worked for in similar assignments in Somalia before.
· A sample of previous research work similar to this assignment.
· Somalia Government tax compliance certificate.
The evaluation method will be based on the quality and cost-based selection. A two-stage procedure shall be utilised in evaluating the Proposals; a technical evaluation (75% of the score) and a financial evaluation (25% of the score). For the evaluation of the technical proposals, the Contracting Authority shall take the following criteria into consideration, with the indicated weights:
Technical evaluation
Maximum Points
1.Candidate’s relevant academic qualifications-10
2.Candidate’s relevant experience with relevant research methods-20
3.Candidate’s knowledge and familiarity with country-10
4.Candidate’s relevant language skills-2.5
5.Candidate’s knowledge of NCA thematic programme areas-2.5
6.Candidate’s analytical, communication and report writing skills-5
Sub-total Candidate and/or Organisation-50
1.To what degree does the proposal show understanding of the task? 15
2.Have the Terms of Reference been addressed in sufficient detail?15
3.Is the conceptual framework adopted appropriate for the task? 10
4.Is the sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promising efficient implementation to the Contract?10
Sub-total Methodology 50
Total Technical Score